Sunday, November 20, 2016

Top 5 Places I am Dying to Visit

    Hullo again. Been a while, hasn't it? I was lazy, nothing more. Glad to be back again!
    Anyway, today I wanted to talk about the places I'm most eager to visit. There's quite a number of them, but I'll try to single out only a few. So if you would excuse me, I'll get on with it.

    I think that a lot of us can agree on the fact that traveling is kinda awesome, though some people have a different point of view on the subject but that is perfectly fine. I, for one, find traveling very appealing and hope to do a lot of it in the future. The only thing is I'm kinda terrified of flying but that is not the point of this post so let's get on to my list of places I am dying to visit.

    Number 5) Madagascar

    I'm not quite sure what draws me towards this island, off the coast of Southeast Africa. Maybe it's the large array of different animal species, only known to inhabit this unique island (for example, the famous lemur), or it could be the beautiful rainforests, fields, beaches, reefs and more. I just know that the place is just calling my name. I'll be there soon, don't worry.

    Number 4) Ireland

    Now, I think I'm pretty sure why I want to visit this island. It's just, all the nature there looks amazing and I want to experience it all for myself. Plus, I love their culture, tradition and don't even get me started on how awesome their accent is. I mean yeah, it's always rainy and gloomy, but that's not going to stop me from enjoying my time there. I guess I have a thing for islands haha.

    Number 3) Paris

    Ah Paris, the city of love, the city of light. But of course, I don't give a crap about love (although light is not that bad), I just find Paris as a very cool place to visit. I mean, the Eiffel tower is tall, the Arc of Triumph is quite large and the Louvre museum is a triangle, what's not to love there, huh? But the reason I want to visit Paris so very much is probably because of my mum. She's been talking about Paris and how beautiful it is since I've known for myself, so over the years I've started to think the same. And here I am today, hoping that I'll get there one day.

    Number 2) Los Angeles

    Okay, let's be real, who doesn't want to go to LA? I mean it is where it all happens, right? Wouldn't you like to see Hollywood for yourself? Or see all the stars and handprints on the Walk of Fame? It's the center of film and television industry, sounds pretty dope, eh? And not just that, there is thousands of other awesome stuff there, why not love it?

    Number 1) Tokyo

    And finally, the place I am most eager to visit is non other than the capital of Japan-Tokyo. Of course it's on another island, what'd you expect? All those flashing lights and signs, they're pretty cool. I just love the home of all manga and anime, all those weird Japanese candy, I want to try it all! Okay, maybe not all. I'm just imagining all those game stores, I would get lost there. And of course their culture is quite interesting to see. I could go on and on with reasons why Tokyo is on the top of my list, but I think that what I provided here is enough, I just love it.

    So, that's my list of top 5 places I'm dying to visit. I hope I share my dreams with someone else out there, it's always nice to find someone like me. I hope you enjoyed this very delayed post (sorry about that) and I wish you a happy rest of your day. Byyyeee! 


  1. Good post mate :)

  2. I really like the look of your blog. You got yourself a new follower! :))

  3. Go ahead River, you're a brilliant writer!:)

  4. This blog is very interesting. Would agree on these places to travel, would travel there myself. Keep up the good work, dear.

  5. Ommmmg Tokyo! I want so much *-* My dream
    Great blog! I'm following you! Follow back? <3
