Saturday, November 26, 2016

Things I Can't Live Without


    Things we can't live without. There's a lot of them. Some are small, some are big, it does not mater. Some we can all relate with, some not. Today I decided to provide you with a list of things "I" can't live without. So here you go.

    #1 Water
    #2 Oxygen
    #3 Sunlight
    #4 Earth
    #5 Food
    #6 Plants
    #7 Animals
    #8 People
    #9 Love (bit cheesy, but true)
    #10 Happiness (again, cheesy, but true)
    #11 Hope
    #12 Imagination...

    Ok, I'll stop now with the obvious.
    Now let's move on to the actual list of my personal things I can't live without:

My camera sucks, sorry.

    #1 My pupper, my little biscuit that I love so very very much and will continue to love him till the end of all time. Yeah, he's my little snuffskin and other nonexistent words. His name is Cupko and if anyone dares to make fun of him I will slit your throat. Yay.

    #2 Books, books and more books. I just can't get enough of them. I could spend a whole day reading just books and not doing anything else. Screw eating and sleeping, I just wanna read books forever. Am I over exaggerating?

    #3 Nature. Or as me and my friend call it, the wild. I'm lucky to be living in a village surrounded by nature. I guess I just love exploring the forests, fields and rivers even and nobody's going to take that away from me.

    #4 Music. Of course this is on the list. I mean, come on, who doesn't like music? Think about it, everyone listens to some kind of music, even if it's just an endless loop of ticking. That's still something...right? Either way, I adore music and my life would probably be very empty without it.

    #5 Movies, TV shows. Yeah, they probably changed my life. Now that I think about it, I would have been a totally different person if I continued to be completely oblivious about all the amazing movies and TV shows out there. Luckily, I set my head strait (if that makes sense) and I am now totally obsessed with anything I see. Great.

    #6 The internet. As much as I would like to say that I would be fine without it, I wouldn't. I mean, if I didn't have internet how would I watch the movies and TV shows? How would I go on the social media? I wouldn't be able to have this blog if it wasn't for the internet. So let's face it, my life would suck without you, buddy. How did people live without the internet earlier? Well, these movies and social medias didn't even exist then, so they didn't have to worry about missing out on something, right? So, yeah. the internet is making our lives much easier.

    Ok, so I could go on and on with these things, but I think this is the right place to end it. I hope you enjoyed this post and have a nice day. Byyyeee!



  1. Good post friend

  2. Great post,I really like it it's interesting,but I don't wannt to take this as a hate,but I think that this blog background is too much markedly but if you like it that way that is ok,I just said my opinion haha :) <3 <3

    Boomy's Place
    Boomy's Place

    1. Thank you for telling me, I've been struggling with the backgroung. I will probably change it soon hah :)

  3. Interesting post. Keep up the good work, I really like your blog xoxo
