Sunday, August 14, 2016

Hello, fellow nerds.

    Well hello there, dear reader. My name is Petra but I don't like the sound of it so just call me River (I, for some reason, love that name) and I'm from Serbia. Now that we got all those boring things out of the way let me tell you what my blog is supposed to be.
    I LOVE reading books, wathcing movies and TV shows and above all video games. So I'm gonna try to make my blog about that. The video game part is probably gonna be minimal since I have a bad computer and can't experience them for myself. But hey, that's not going to stop me from writing about them! I'll probably include some random things too so don't be surprised about that lol.
    So yeah, I'm doing all this just for some shits and giggles and we'll see what comes out of it. Wish me luck on my journey. Byyyeee!


  1. My dear friend,
    I wish you luck and success in this blogging thing.I want you to achieve your goals and become famous.
    your best friend.
    P.s follow my blog -->

  2. Haha thank you friend. I wish you luck too.
